The Mermaid TRIES TO GRAB BRUNO IN A HUG, BUT WITHOUT SIGNS OF LIFE, A DEAD BODY SINKS HEAVILY. THS DIDN'T WORK UNFORTUNATELY. FINALLY, SHE GRABBED Bruno's hand and wth all her might, she managed to keep Bruno from sinking further!
The Mermaid PULLS Bruno's Hand as hard as she can, and dolphin helps out also!! Hurry everyone! someone get him some magical gills so he can breathe again!! dolphin speeds immediately at some weeds and brings them back to mermaid. In no time the gills weeds finally Brings Bruno Back to Life!
Where Am I? and slowly he woke up on the beach, and just nearby, there was The Mermaid That Had Rescued Him, she came over and Lay down on top of Bruno to get his warmth back after his long cold swim and She took care of him for the rest of the night! She REALLY Cares for Bruno, Bruno is EXTACTIC to have found someone to care for! For the First time in His Life After Having Spent the most excluded childhood possible by having been put up for adoption. Being A Pisces an Avid Water lover, doing something enjoyable near the ocean! Go swim with Dolphins and real mermaids!!!
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